Rainwater harvesting (RWH) has been an age-old technique for conservation of freshwater and mainly for boosting groundwater levels, that one must have read about or heard since childhood. As we are based in the Telangana there is at times scarcity of water during summer. We aim to catch and use the rain that is otherwise wasted.
All over the school grounds there is an elaborate network of above and below ground catchment systems using roof and ground gutters, French drains and underground piping to redirect the majority of our rain water into a main underground pipeline that feeds into the main storage reservoir next to our sports pitch.
This is a general mindset within the school. All of our staff and teachers are encouraged to reduce the use of paper, water and general resources. As the students get older, the need to use paper reduces dramatically, and our interactive projectors
and online learning tools are used more and more. We refuse plastic bags while purchasing goods.
We are associated with ITC to exchange and recycle our paper waste. We are constantly looking for new ways to be more environmentally friendly.
We have a large area of land put aside for plant life that benefits the school and nature.Our choice of what to grow there is driven by education and food requirements. The old trees in this area are slowly being replaced with various beneficial plants.
Students experience the farming from preparing the soil for plantation and reaping the grown ones.